How to Choose the Right .cv Name

Your .cv domain name is central to maximizing the benefits for your personal brand. Here are 5 tips on picking the ideal .cv name:

  1. Use Your Full Name

Including your first and last name or a version you are known by professionally helps people instantly associate the .cv with you.

  1. Check Availability

Search to see if is available to register. If taken, try variations like a middle name or initial.

  1. Avoid Obscure Nicknames

Unless clearly connected to your identity, avoid obscure abbreviations or nicknames in your .cv name.

  1. Consider Your Profession

For common names, include your profession like or to stand out.

  1. Keep It Simple

Opt for a short, memorable .cv name. The .cv extension clearly signals it is a professional site tied to your brand.

Choosing the right .cv name is the first step in showcasing your expertise. Find a name that perfectly captures your professional identity and move your career forward with

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