Take Charge of your identity with yourname.cv

Your name is your story. Tell it with .cv

Search now to see if yourname.cv is still available!

Two young professionals

Register yourname.cv with your choice domain registrar

Young lady working on laptop

The domain for people.

Own and elevate their personal brand by securing a .cv domain. 

With .cv, you can distinguish yourself and effectively showcase your skills, experience, and unique value to the world.

Young professional man

Become a Registrar Partner for ola.cv

Offering your customers the unique opportunity to secure memorable web addresses with the .cv extension. Empower professionals to create customized domains that highlight their expertise and career achievements. 

Contact our team today to join as a valued .cv partner registrar. We look forward to partnering with you!

For Registrars
registered registrar partners

Write your own story with yourname.cv

Registering your perfect ola.cv domain is simple and fast. Just search for availability, purchase instantly, and enhance your digital presence.

Use your new domain for email, websites, digital profiles and more. The possibilities are endless!

For Registrants

Get a .cv domain from Cabo Verde

Bom dia! We are excited to offer Cabo Verde residents the opportunity to stand out online with a .cv domain.

Visit comprar.cv to buy a domain inside Cabo Verde.

Unidade, Trabalho, Progresso.

For Cape Verde residents
A beautiful beach in Cabo Verde

3.5b people

CVs are used by 3.5b people worldwide in every country.

Unlike social media handles, your .cv endures.

Showcase your qualifications and skills with .cv 

Ecosystem is brimming with many technology companies building tools on .cv

Is .cv worth it? - Hear from others (not real names).

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Power your career. Own your brand.
Get yourname.cv today!

Elevate your online presence and register yourname.cv domain today!