Eligibility Requirements

The .cv domain is open to registrants globally. We do not place restrictions on who can register a .cv domain name, as long as our terms of service are followed.

Any individual or organization is welcome to purchase an ola.cv domain to showcase their professional capabilities online.

There are no eligibility prerequisites or approval processes. We make .cv domains instantly available worldwide.

Prohibited and Reserved Names

Certain terms are prohibited from registration to prevent abuse of the ola.cv domain.

Prohibited domains include those containing offensive language, domains infringing on trademarks or copyrights, and domains impersonating businesses or individuals. We reserve the right to deny registrations containing prohibited terms.

Additionally, generic terms are reserved by the ola.cv registry to avoid consumer confusion. You cannot register an ola.cv domain identical to a reserved term.

Our full list of prohibited and reserved terms is available in our policy documents.

WHOIS Accuracy Requirements

ola.cv requires registrants to provide complete and accurate WHOIS domain contact information which is made publicly accessible. Keeping your WHOIS details up-to-date is a requirement of registering an ola.cv domain.

The WHOIS data allows concerned parties to identify and contact the domain owner. Providing intentionally false or misleading WHOIS information can lead to the suspension or cancellation of your .cv domain. Please ensure your contact information is current.

Acceptable Use Policy

The .cv domain must be used for lawful purposes only. Registrants found using .cv domains for fraudulent, malicious or illegal behavior in breach of the policy terms will face suspension or termination of their domain. This includes phishing, spamming, spreading malware, hosting illegal gambling sites, and other abusive uses. We maintain the right to take action on any domain violating our acceptable use policy.

Dispute Resolution Policy

In the event of a dispute over a registered .cv domain, we have adopted the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP). This mandatory administrative procedure allows faster conflict resolution between a registrant and a complainant claiming trademark rights over the domain.

Appeals beyond the UDRP can be taken to the court system. All ola.cv registrants must adhere to the UDRP process for disputes.

Privacy Policy

ola.cv respects the privacy of its domain registrants. We are committed to transparent data practices outlined in our privacy policy.

This policy explains how we collect, use, disclose and protect the personal information our registrants provide. We aim to employ appropriate safeguards to prevent unauthorized access and keep your information secure.

Please review our full privacy policy.

Refund Policy

Paid .cv domain registration fees are generally non-refundable. However, in certain exceptional circumstances refunds may be considered on a case-by-case basis, such as technical errors or breaches of the refund policy terms.

Unused domain registrations are redeemable as credit for future purchases within 5 days of the transaction date.

Please review the full refund policy terms.

ICANN Consensus Policies

As an ICANN accredited registrar, ola.cv complies with all current and future consensus policies established for generic top-level domain registrars.

These mandatory policies relate to inter-registrar domain transfers, WHOIS accuracy, domain name disputes, and other issues where ICANN sets uniform standards. This ensures consistency and fair practices across the domain industry.

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The Domain for Work and Life.

Your name is your story. Tell it with .cv


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